Introducing the TI PRO 510W LED panel from Florastar. This Full Spectrum panel with UV and IR has 6 light bars with 1020 Samsung LM301B LEDs, 108 San'an Deep Red 660nm LEDs, 18 Seoul UVA 385nm LEDs and 18 Osram Far-Red 730nm LEDs. The 4 groups of LEDs are independent. Unbundled into 4 channels, you'll have independent control for optimum results for your crops.
Florastar's TI PRO panel is designed for crops with very high PPFD (photosynthetic photon flux density). Its full spectrum has been designed to cover every phase of growth and flowering. Its UVA spectrum (385nm) will increase vitamins, pigmentation and antioxidants. The infrared spectrum (730nm) will stimulate photosynthesis, thanks to the Emerson effect, and increase its efficiency.
The TI PRO 510W corresponds to a growing surface of 120cm x 120cm.
Available in 510W - 670W - 840W